DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.ObjectSortCompare' method because the 'Value1:=' parameter is missing."
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(Value2) Then
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.ObjectSortCompare' method because the 'Value2:=' parameter is missing."
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Then
tempSortOrder = "ASC"
tempSortOrder = SortOrder
End If
' compare the values
If Value1 < Value2 Then
ObjectSortCompare = -1
ElseIf Value1 > Value2 Then
ObjectSortCompare = 1
ObjectSortCompare = 0
End If
' reverse the answer if processing "DESC"
If Mid$(tempSortOrder, 1, 1) = "D" Then
ObjectSortCompare = _
ObjectSortCompare * -1
End If
End Function
Public Function pvtChooseObjectIDFromParameters( _
Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional ReturnObjectID As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tempObjectRequested As Boolean
Dim tempObjectID As Variant
tempObjectRequested = False
' support Object:=, ObjectID:= and Item:=
If Not IsMissing(ObjectID) Then
tempObjectID = ObjectID
tempObjectRequested = True
ElseIf Not IsMissing(Item) Then
tempObjectID = Item.ObjectID
tempObjectRequested = True
ElseIf Not IsMissing(Object) Then
tempObjectID = Object.ObjectID
tempObjectRequested = True
End If
' if one of the above was specified,
' save the ObjectID
If tempObjectRequested Then
ReturnObjectID = tempObjectID
End If
pvtChooseObjectIDFromParameters = _
End Function
Public Function pvtConvertToLongOrLeaveAlone(Value As Variant) As Variant
If InStr("Long Integer", TypeName(Value)) > 0 Then
pvtConvertToLongOrLeaveAlone = CLng(Value)
pvtConvertToLongOrLeaveAlone = Value
End If
End Function
Public Function pvtChooseObjectFromParameters( _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional ReturnObject As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tempObjectRequested As Boolean
Dim tempObject As Variant
tempObjectRequested = False
' support Object:= and Item:=
If Not IsMissing(Item) Then
If TypeName(Item) = "String" Then
ReturnObject = Item
tempObjectRequested = True
ElseIf TypeName(Item) = "Long" Then
ReturnObject = Item
tempObjectRequested = True
ElseIf TypeName(Item) = "Integer" Then
ReturnObject = Item
tempObjectRequested = True
ElseIf InStr("Nothing Empty", TypeName(Item)) <> 0 Then
Set ReturnObject = Nothing
tempObjectRequested = False
Set ReturnObject = Item
tempObjectRequested = True
End If
ElseIf Not IsMissing(Object) Then
Set ReturnObject = Object
tempObjectRequested = True
End If
pvtChooseObjectFromParameters = _
End Function
Public Function pvtNextObjectID() As Long
pvtHighestObjectID = _
pvtHighestObjectID + 1
If pvtHighestObjectID <= 0 Then
pvtHighestObjectID = 1
End If
pvtSaveHighestObjectID pvtHighestObjectID
pvtNextObjectID = _
End Function
Public Function pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet( _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional RecordSet As Variant) As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' have the object copy populate
' itself from this RecordSet row
Object _
.ObjectInitializeFromRecordSet (RecordSet)
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(Object) & "' does not support the method 'InitializeFromRecordSet'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by VBOF without this method."
Set pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet = Object
End Function
Public Function pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample( _
Optional Sample As Variant) As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' instantiate the new object
Set pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample = _
Sample. _
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(Sample) & "' does not support the method 'ObjectNewInstanceOfMyClass'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
Set pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Set pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample. _
ObjectManager = Me
End Function
Public Function ManageCollection( _
Optional Collection As Variant, Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional Item As Variant, Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Database As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, _
Optional Parent As Variant, Optional WhereClause As Variant, _
Optional SQL As Variant, Optional OrderByClause As Variant, _
Optional CollectionEmulationMode As Variant, Optional ANSISQL As Variant, _
Optional ODBCPassThrough As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the entire collection if the ObjectID
' parameter is missing,
' or
' Returns a Person object whose ObjectID matches the
' ObjectID parameter.
' Completely manages a contained Collection of
' objects on behalf of a given containing object
' Example of usage:
' Public Function Persons(Optional ObjectID As Variant) As Variant
' Collection:= (Required) the VBOFCollection object
' to be managed
' Parent:= (Required) defines the object which is
' the "Parent" of the objects to be collected.
' The value to specify is typically "Me".
' In OO terminology, this is the "containing"
' object
' Database:= (Optional) the VB Database Object containing
' the necessary Table
' ObjectID:= (Optional) the ObjectID value of the
' desired object. If not provided, the entire
' VBOFCollection is returned
' Item:= (Optional) can be used in lieu of the
' ObjectID:= parameter. Refers to the object
' to be returned. See also the ObjectID:=
' parameter.
' Object:= (Optional) can be used in lieu of the
' ObjectID:= parameter. Refers to the object
' to be returned. See also the ObjectID:=
' parameter.
' Sample:= (Optional, but recommended) a
' throw-away object of the desired Class which
' VBOFCollection can use to help instantiate
' new objects to be placed into the
' Collection
' WhereClause:= (Optional) defines the SQL Where
' Clause to be used to select the desired
' rows from the Table.
' Normally, VBOFCollection creates all
' necessary Where Clauses to effect containment
' SQL:= (Optional, not recommended) defines the
' SQL statement to be used to select the
' desired rows from the Table.
' Normally, VBOFCollection creates the
' necessary SQL statement to effect containment
' OrderByClause:= (Optional) defines the SQL Order
' By Clause to be used to select the desired
' rows from the Table.
' Normally, VBOFCollection does not provide an
' Order By Clause
' ANSISQL:= (Optional) control whether or not
' ANSI SQL should be used when linking objects
' for containment purposes
' ODBCPassThrough:= (Optional) controls whether
' of not the SQL statements used by
' VBOFCollection to link parent and child objects
' should be executed on an ODBC database server
Dim tempDatabase As Database
Dim tempObjectRequested As Boolean
Dim tempObjectID As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Collection) _
Or IsMissing(Parent) _
Or IsMissing(Sample) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.ManageCollection' method because either the 'Collection:=', 'Parent:=' or 'Sample:=' parameter is missing."
Set ManageCollection = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' use a valid Database parameter
If Not IsMissing(Database) Then
Set tempDatabase = Database
Set tempDatabase = pvtDatabase
End If
' check for never-before referenced Collection
If Collection Is Nothing Then
Set Collection = _
ObjectManager.NewVBOFCollection _
End If
' check for the need to populate the collection
' from the database
If Not Collection. _
pvtDatabaseHasBeenReferenced Then
' pass-along any known Database parameters
Collection.SetDatabaseParameters _
Database:=tempDatabase, _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
OrderByClause:=OrderByClause, _
' instantiate the contained objects
Set Collection = _
Collection.PopulateCollection( _
Database:=tempDatabase, _
Parent:=Parent, _
End If
' check for a request for a specific Object
If pvtChooseObjectIDFromParameters( _
Item:=Item, _
Object:=Object, _
ObjectID:=ObjectID, _
ReturnObjectID:=tempObjectID) _
Set ManageCollection = _
Collection.Item _
(pvtConvertToLongOrLeaveAlone _
'>> If InStr("Long Integer", TypeName(tempObjectID)) > 0 Then
' Set ManageCollection = _
Collection.Item _
' Else
' Set ManageCollection = _
Collection.Item _
' End If
' else, return the entire collection
Set ManageCollection = _
End If
End Function
Private Function pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm( _
Optional Form As Variant, _
Optional Wrapper As Variant) As Boolean
' register the wrapper for future automatic
' deletion as the Form terminates (through
' TerminateForm)
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not IsMissing(Form) Then
If Not Form Is Nothing Then
pvtSystemWrappers.Add _
Item:=Wrapper, _
Set Wrapper.Form = _
End If
End If
pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm = True
End Function
Public Sub pvtSaveHighestObjectID( _
Optional ObjectID As Variant)
If ObjectID > pvtHighestObjectID Then
pvtHighestObjectID = ObjectID
End If
End Sub
Public Function pvtUnRegisterWrapperUnderForm( _
Optional Form As Variant, _
Optional Wrapper As Variant) As Boolean
' unregister the wrapper from the Form
Dim tempWrapper As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtUnRegisterWrapperUnderForm = False
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Form) Then
Exit Function
ElseIf Form Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
ElseIf IsMissing(Wrapper) Then
Exit Function
ElseIf Wrapper Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
' search for the wrapper
For Each tempWrapper In pvtSystemWrappers
' unregister it
If tempWrapper.ObjectID = Wrapper.ObjectID Then
Set tempWrapper.Form = Nothing
pvtSystemWrappers.Remove _
pvtUnRegisterWrapperUnderForm = True
Exit Function
End If
Next tempWrapper
End Function
Public Function pvtWrapperSort( _
Optional Wrapper As Variant, _
Optional SortField As Variant, _
Optional SortOrder As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tempBoolean As Boolean
tempBoolean = _
Wrapper.Collection.Sort( _
SortField:=SortField, _
If Not tempBoolean Then
pvtWrapperSort = False
Exit Function
End If
Wrapper.Refresh _
pvtWrapperSort = True
End Function
Public Function pvtWrapperUseCollection( _
Optional CollectionParm As Variant, _
Optional pvtCollection As Variant, _
Optional Verbose As Variant, _
Optional WrapperName As Variant) As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not IsMissing(CollectionParm) Then
If Not CollectionParm Is Nothing Then
If TypeName(CollectionParm) = _
"VBOFCollection" _
Set pvtCollection = CollectionParm
Set pvtWrapperUseCollection = pvtCollection
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(pvtCollection) Then
If Not pvtCollection Is Nothing Then
If TypeName(pvtCollection) = _
"VBOFCollection" _
Set pvtWrapperUseCollection = pvtCollection
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
' error
If Not IsMissing(Verbose) Then
If Verbose Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the " & WrapperName & " methods because the 'Collection' parameter is missing and no suitable default has been established." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If using the VBOF" & WrapperName & "Wrapper, please ensure that the 'ObjectManager.NewVBOF" & WrapperName & "Wrapper' method has been properly executed and references the appropriate Collection and " & WrapperName & " control."
End If
End If
Set pvtWrapperUseCollection = Nothing
End Function
Public Function pvtWrapperUseControl( _
Optional ControlParm As Variant, _
Optional pvtControl As Variant, _
Optional SupportedNames As Variant, _
Optional WrapperName As Variant, _
Optional Verbose As Variant) As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not IsMissing(ControlParm) Then
If Not ControlParm Is Nothing Then
If InStr(SupportedNames, TypeName(ControlParm)) > 0 Then
Set pvtControl = ControlParm
Set pvtWrapperUseControl = pvtControl
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(pvtControl) Then
If Not pvtControl Is Nothing Then
If InStr(SupportedNames, TypeName(pvtControl)) > 0 Then
Set pvtWrapperUseControl = pvtControl
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
' error
If Not IsMissing(Verbose) Then
If Verbose Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the " & WrapperName & " methods because the '" & WrapperName & "' parameter is missing and no suitable default has been established." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "If using the VBOF" & WrapperName & "Wrapper, please ensure that the 'ObjectManager.NewVBOF" & WrapperName & "Wrapper' method has been properly executed and references the appropriate Collection and " & WrapperName & " control."
End If
End If
Set pvtWrapperUseControl = Nothing
End Function
Public Function pvtWrapperVerifyCollection( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional pvtCollection As Variant, _
Optional Verbose As Variant, _
Optional WrapperName As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tempCollection As Variant
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
Set tempCollection = Collection
Set tempCollection = pvtCollection
End If
If pvtWrapperUseCollection( _
CollectionParm:=tempCollection, _
pvtCollection:=pvtCollection, _
Verbose:=Verbose, _
WrapperName:=WrapperName) Is Nothing _
pvtWrapperVerifyCollection = False
pvtWrapperVerifyCollection = True
End If
End Function
Public Function pvtWrapperVerifyControl( _
Optional Control As Variant, _
Optional pvtControl As Variant, _
Optional Verbose As Variant, _
Optional WrapperName As Variant) As Boolean
Dim tempControl As Variant
If Not IsMissing(Control) Then
Set tempControl = Control
Set tempControl = pvtControl
End If
If pvtWrapperUseControl( _
ControlParm:=tempControl, _
pvtControl:=pvtControl, _
Verbose:=Verbose, _
WrapperName:=WrapperName) Is Nothing _
pvtWrapperVerifyControl = False
pvtWrapperVerifyControl = True
End If
End Function
Public Function NewVBOFRecordSetWrapper( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional DataControl As Variant, _
Optional Form As Variant _
) As VBOFDataWrapper
' Returns a new VBOFRecordSetlWrapper for the
' specified VBOFCollection
' Coding Example:
' Dim MyRecordSetWrapper as VBOFRecordSetWrapper
' Dim MyCollection as VBOFCollection
' Set MyRecordSetWrapper = _
' ObjectManager.NewVBOFRecordSetWrapper ( _
' Collection:=MyCollection)
Dim tempNewRecordSetWrapper As New VBOFRecordSetWrapper
Set tempNewRecordSetWrapper.ObjectManager = Me
' bullet-proofing
' If IsMissing(Collection) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFRecordSetWrapper' method because the 'Collection:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFRecordSetWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' initialize the Collection
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
If Not Collection Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewRecordSetWrapper.Collection = _
End If
End If
' have the new wrapper bind itself to the RecordSet
If Not tempNewRecordSetWrapper.Collection Is Nothing Then
End If
' generate a unique ObjectID for the new VBOFListBoxWrapper
pvtVBOFCollectionID = _
pvtVBOFCollectionID + 1
tempNewRecordSetWrapper.ObjectID = _
' register the wrapper for future automatic
' deletion as the Form terminates (through
' TerminateForm)
' pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm _
Form:=Form, _
Set NewVBOFRecordSetWrapper = _
End Function
Public Function NewVBOFDBGridWrapper( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional DBGrid As Variant, _
Optional Form As Variant _
) As VBOFDBGridWrapper
' Returns a new VBOFDBGridWrapper for the
' specified VBOFCollection (Required) and
' DBGrid (Optional)
' Coding Example:
' Dim MyDBGridWrapper as VBOFDBGridWrapper
' Dim MyCollection as VBOFCollection
' Set MyDBGridWrapper = _
' ObjectManager.NewVBOFDBGridWrapper ( _
' Collection:=MyCollection, _
' DBGrid:=MyDBGrid)
Dim tempNewDBGridWrapper As New VBOFDBGridWrapper
Set tempNewDBGridWrapper.ObjectManager = Me
' bullet-proofing
' If IsMissing(Collection) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFDBGridWrapper' method because the 'Collection:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFDBGridWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFDBGridWrapper' method because the 'DBGrid:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFDBGridWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' initialize the Collection
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
If Not Collection Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewDBGridWrapper.Collection = _
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If Not DBGrid Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewDBGridWrapper.DBGrid = _
End If
End If
' have the new wrapper bind itself to the DBGrid
If Not tempNewDBGridWrapper.DBGrid Is Nothing Then
If Not tempNewDBGridWrapper.Collection Is Nothing Then
tempNewDBGridWrapper.Rebind _
Collection:=Collection, _
End If
End If
' generate a unique ObjectID for the new VBOFDBGridWrapper
pvtVBOFCollectionID = _
pvtVBOFCollectionID + 1
tempNewDBGridWrapper.ObjectID = _
' register the wrapper for future automatic
' deletion as the Form terminates (through
' TerminateForm)
' pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm _
Form:=Form, _
Set NewVBOFDBGridWrapper = _
End Function
Private Function pvtIsDatabaseSpecified() As Integer
' Determine whether or not the database has been
' specified
If pvtDatabase Is Nothing Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot function without having been provided the name of the database. Use the 'Database:=' parameter to specify the database."
pvtIsDatabaseSpecified = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtIsDatabaseSpecified = True
End Function
Public Function Collection( _
Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional Index As Variant) As VBOFCollection
' Return the VBOFCollection having the specified
' ObjectID or Index
On Local Error Resume Next
Set Collection = Nothing
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ObjectID) And IsMissing(Index) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.Collection' method because the 'ObjectID:=' and the 'Index:=' parameters were missing."
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsMissing(Index) Then
Set Collection = _
ElseIf Not IsMissing(ObjectID) Then
Set Collection = _
End If
End Function
Public Function CompleteObjectCleanUp() As Boolean
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .DisplayDebugMessage method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoDebugMode = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoDebugMode = 0' or 'NoDebugMode' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
End Function
Public Function NewVBOFListBoxWrapper( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional ListBox As Variant, _
Optional Form As Variant _
) As VBOFListBoxWrapper
' Returns a new VBOFListBoxWrapper for the
' specified VBOFCollection (Required) and
' ListBox (Optional)
' Coding Example:
' Dim MyListBoxWrapper as VBOFListBoxWrapper
' Dim MyCollection as VBOFCollection
' Set MyListBoxWrapper = _
' ObjectManager.NewVBOFListBoxWrapper ( _
' Collection:=MyCollection, _
' ListBox:=MyListBox)
Dim tempNewListBoxWrapper As New VBOFListBoxWrapper
Set tempNewListBoxWrapper.ObjectManager = Me
' bullet-proofing
' If IsMissing(Collection) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFListBoxWrapper' method because the 'Collection:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFListBoxWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFListBoxWrapper' method because the 'ListBox:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFListBoxWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' initialize the Collection
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
If Not Collection Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewListBoxWrapper.Collection = _
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If Not ListBox Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewListBoxWrapper.ListBox = _
End If
End If
' have the new wrapper bind itself to the ListBox
If Not tempNewListBoxWrapper.ListBox Is Nothing Then
If Not tempNewListBoxWrapper.Collection Is Nothing Then
tempNewListBoxWrapper.Rebind _
Collection:=Collection, _
End If
End If
' generate a unique ObjectID for the new VBOFListBoxWrapper
pvtVBOFCollectionID = _
pvtVBOFCollectionID + 1
tempNewListBoxWrapper.ObjectID = _
' register the wrapper for future automatic
' deletion as the Form terminates (through
' TerminateForm)
' pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm _
Form:=Form, _
Set NewVBOFListBoxWrapper = _
End Function
Public Function NewVBOFDataWrapper( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional DataControl As Variant, _
Optional Form As Variant _
) As VBOFDataWrapper
' Returns a new VBOFDataWrapper for the
' specified VBOFCollection, and optionally the
' DataControl
' Coding Example:
' Dim MyDataWrapper as VBOFDataWrapper
' Dim MyCollection as VBOFCollection
' Set MyDataWrapper = _
' ObjectManager.NewVBOFDataWrapper ( _
' Collection:=MyCollection)
' or
' Set MyDataWrapper = _
' ObjectManager.NewVBOFDataWrapper ( _
' Collection:=MyCollection, _
' DataControl:=MyDataControl)
Dim tempNewDataWrapper As New VBOFDataWrapper
Set tempNewDataWrapper.ObjectManager = Me
' bullet-proofing
' If IsMissing(Collection) Then
' pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.NewVBOFDataWrapper' method because the 'Collection:=' parameter is missing."
' Set NewVBOFDataWrapper = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
' initialize the Collection
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
If Not Collection Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewDataWrapper.Collection = _
End If
End If
If Not IsMissing(DataControl) Then
If Not DataControl Is Nothing Then
Set tempNewDataWrapper.DataControl = _
End If
End If
' have the new wrapper bind itself to the DataControl
If Not tempNewDataWrapper.DataControl Is Nothing Then
If Not tempNewDataWrapper.Collection Is Nothing Then
tempNewDataWrapper.Rebind _
Collection:=Collection, _
End If
End If
' generate a unique ObjectID for the new VBOFListBoxWrapper
pvtVBOFCollectionID = _
pvtVBOFCollectionID + 1
tempNewDataWrapper.ObjectID = _
' register the wrapper for future automatic
' deletion as the Form terminates (through
' TerminateForm)
' pvtRegisterWrapperUnderForm _
Form:=Form, _
Set NewVBOFDataWrapper = _
End Function
Public Property Get pvtObjectWasUnique() As Boolean
For Each tempVBOFCollection In pvtSystemCollections
' process each object therein
If pvtObjectIndexInCollection( _
Object:=Object, _
Collection:=tempVBOFCollection) > 0 _
tempCollection.Add _
Item:=tempVBOFCollection, _
I = I + 1
End If
Next tempVBOFCollection
Set pvtParentsOfObject = tempCollection
End Function
Private Function pvtObjectIndexInCollection( _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Collection As Variant) As Long
' Returns the index of the Object within the
' Collection
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim I As Long
' check each of the Objects defined to the
' Collection
I = 0
For I = 1 To Collection.Count
Set tempObject = Collection.Item(I)
' return the Collection's index position
If TypeName(tempObject) = TypeName(Object) Then
If tempObject.ObjectID = Object.ObjectID Then
pvtObjectIndexInCollection = I
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next I
pvtObjectIndexInCollection = -1
End Function
Private Function pvtObjectParent( _
Optional Object As Variant) As VBOFCollection
' Returns the first VBOFCollection found
' to contain Object
Dim tempVBOFCollection As VBOFCollection
Dim tempObject As Object
' process each VBOFCollection
For Each tempVBOFCollection In pvtSystemCollections
' process each object therein
If pvtObjectIndexInCollection( _
Object:=Object, _
Collection:=tempVBOFCollection) > 0 _
Set pvtObjectParent = tempVBOFCollection
Exit Function
End If
Next tempVBOFCollection
' didn't find an Parent
Set pvtObjectParent = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvtODBCPassThrough(ODBCPassThrough As Boolean) As Long
If ODBCPassThrough Then
pvtODBCPassThrough = dbSQLPassThrough
pvtODBCPassThrough = 0
End If
End Function
Public Function RegisterForObjectEvent( _
Optional TriggerObject As Variant, _
Optional TriggerObjectType As Variant, _
Optional TriggerEvent As Variant, _
Optional RegisterObject As Variant, _
Optional RegisterType As Variant) As Boolean
' Pass-through to the EventManager
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
RegisterForObjectEvent = _
pvtVBOFEventManager.RegisterForObjectEvent( _
TriggerObject:=TriggerObject, _
TriggerObjectType:=TriggerObjectType, _
TriggerEvent:=TriggerEvent, _
RegisterObject:=RegisterObject, _
If Verbose Then
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .RegisterForObjectEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
RegisterForObjectEvent = True
End Function
Public Function RegisterForCollectionEvent( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional RegisterObject As Variant, _
Optional TriggerEvent As Variant) As Boolean
' Pass-through to the EventManager
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
RegisterForCollectionEvent = _
pvtVBOFEventManager.RegisterForCollectionEvent( _
Collection:=Collection, _
TriggerEvent:=TriggerEvent, _
If Verbose Then
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .RegisterForCollectionEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
RegisterForCollectionEvent = True
End Function
Public Function RemoveCollection( _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional NoDelete As Variant, _
Optional CleanUpMode As Variant) As Boolean
' Remove the Collection and its contents
' Note: refer to the value of CleanUpMode to
' determine whether or not the automatic object
' containment links between containing objects and
' contained objects will be severed
On Local Error Resume Next
EmptyCollection _
Collection:=Collection, _
NoDelete:=NoDelete, _
UnRegisterForAllEvents _
RegisterObject:=Collection, _
Set Collection = Nothing
RemoveCollection = True
End Function
Public Function RemoveWrapper( _
ParamArray WrapperCollection())
' Removes Wrapper(s) in an orderly manner.
' Note: See also method "Form_QueryUnload"
Dim I As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
For I = 0 To UBound(WrapperCollection)
If InStr(TypeName(WrapperCollection(I)), "Wrapper") > 0 Then
Me.TerminateObject _
End If
Set WrapperCollection(I) = Nothing
Next I
End Function
Public Function SystemObject( _
Optional TypeName As Variant, _
Optional ObjectID As Variant) As Variant
' Returns an Object from the pvtSystemObjects
' collection whose TypeName matches TypeName
' and whose ObjectID matches ObjectID
' Note: in most cases, the results of this method
' and the use thereof is not considered good
' object-oriented behavior
Dim tempObject As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(TypeName) _
Or IsMissing(ObjectID) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.SystemObject' method because either the 'TypeName:=' or 'ObjectID:=' parameter is missing."
' because VB doesn't return pointers to the objects
Dim tempObjectID As Long
' test by changing one, then checking the other
tempObjectID = Object1.ObjectID
Object1.ObjectID = -1
If Object2.ObjectID = -1 Then
pvtIsExactlyTheSameObject = True
pvtIsExactlyTheSameObject = False
End If
' reinstate the previous value
Object1.ObjectID = tempObjectID
End Function
Public Function RemoveObject( _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Parent As Variant, _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional NoDelete As Variant, _
Optional CleanUpMode As Variant) As Boolean
' Remove the Object from the specified Parent.
' Delete the Object if its ParentCount = 0
' Note: if a Table is supporting the Collection
' then the VBOF automatic containment link to
' the contained object (Collection.Parent) is also
' severed (unless CleanUpMode:=True)
Dim tempIndex As Long
Dim tempParent As VBOFCollection
Dim tempNoDelete As Boolean
Dim tempCleanUpMode As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Object) And IsMissing(Parent) And IsMissing(Collection) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.RemoveObject' method for this object because either the 'Object:=', 'Collection:=' or the 'Parent:=' parameter is missing"
RemoveObject = False
Exit Function
End If
If Object.ObjectID < 0 Then
RemoveObject = False
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(NoDelete) Then
tempNoDelete = False
tempNoDelete = NoDelete
End If
If IsMissing(CleanUpMode) Then
tempCleanUpMode = False
tempCleanUpMode = CleanUpMode
End If
' if the Parent:= is missing, find the first Parent
' Note: herein, a Parent is an VBOFCollection
If Not IsMissing(Parent) Then
Set tempParent = Parent
ElseIf Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
Set tempParent = Collection
Set tempParent = _
End If
' remove event registrations
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
UnRegisterForAllEvents _
RegisterObject:=Object, _
#End If
' schedule orphans to be deleted
If tempParent Is Nothing Then
Object.ObjectParentCount = 0
End If
' if there's only 1 Parent (or less)
If pvtParentsOfObject(Object).Count <= 1 Then
' remove the Object from the specified Parent,
' and delete it according to NoDelete
If Not tempParent Is Nothing Then
tempParent.Remove _
Item:=Object, _
NoDelete:=tempNoDelete, _
End If
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If DebugMode Then
DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & " 'RemoveObject' has removed the ObjectType=" & _
TypeName(Object) & _
", ObjectID=" & _
End If
#End If
' free the Object
pvtFreeObject _
RemoveObject = True
Exit Function
' remove the Object from the specified Parent,
' but don't delete it
Parent.Remove _
Item:=Object, _
NoDelete:=True, _
' drop Object's ParentCount by 1
Object.ObjectParentCount = _
Object.ObjectParentCount - 1
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If DebugMode Then
DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & " 'RemoveObject' has decremented the ObjectParentCount to " & Object.ObjectParentCount & " for ObjectType=" & _
TypeName(Object) & _
", ObjectID=" & _
End If
#End If
RemoveObject = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function pvtErrorMessage( _
Optional ErrorMessage As Variant) As Long
pvtErrorMessage = _
End Function
Private Function pvtObjectIndexInSystemObjects( _
Optional Object As Variant) As Long
' Return the Index of Object in the collection
' of system objects
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim I As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' quick-check to see if the object exists
Set tempObject = _
pvtSystemObjects(TypeName(Object) & " " & _
If Err = 5 Then
pvtObjectIndexInSystemObjects = -1
Exit Function
End If
' the object likely exists in the SystemObjects.
' find its Index.
' check each of the objects known at this time
I = 0
For Each tempObject In pvtSystemObjects
I = I + 1
' return the collection's index position
If TypeName(tempObject) = TypeName(Object) Then
If tempObject.ObjectID = Object.ObjectID Then
pvtObjectIndexInSystemObjects = I
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next tempObject
' return "not found"
pvtObjectIndexInSystemObjects = -1
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function pvtAddUniqueObject(Optional Object As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant) As Variant
Attribute pvtAddUniqueObject.VB_Description = "(Private) Ensures no duplicate instances of a given object exist"
' Return a system-wide unique object which is the
' Item, or an already existing, functionally
' equivalent of the Item
' Note: this method, while public, is designed to be
' invoked only by the .Add method of an instance
' of VBOFCollection. Any other use must make
' allowances for Object to have been freed and
' replaced by an equivalent object which was
' found to have already existed under the control
' of VBOFObjectManager
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempIndex As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtLastAddedObjectWasUnique = False
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Object) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtAddUniqueObject' method for this object because the 'Object:=' parameter is missing"
pvtAddUniqueObject = False
Exit Function
End If
' initialize all objects that pass through here,
' in support of VBOF services
Set Object.ObjectManager = _
' check each of the objects known at this time
tempIndex = _
pvtObjectIndexInSystemObjects _
' if found, return the located object
If tempIndex > 0 Then
Set tempObject = _
pvtSystemObjects.Item _
' if these are exactly the same object
If pvtIsExactlyTheSameObject( _
Object1:=Object, _
Object2:=tempObject) _
' increase the ParentCount of the previously
' existing object
Object.ObjectParentCount = _
Object.ObjectParentCount + 1
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If DebugMode Then
DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & " 'Add Object' attempt found exact same (already existing) Object. ObjectType=" & _
TypeName(Object) & _
", ObjectID=" & _
End If
#End If
' else, free the Object (the parameter)
Object.ObjectID = -1
Set Object = Nothing
End If
' return the located object
Set pvtAddUniqueObject = _
pvtSystemObjects.Item _
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If DebugMode Then
DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & " 'Add Object' attempt found an existing Object. ObjectType=" & _
TypeName(Object) & _
", ObjectID=" & _
End If
#End If
GoTo pvtAddUniqueObject_Exit
End If
' else, the object is unique
' add the object to the collection of system objects
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .TriggerObjectEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
TriggerObjectEvent = True
End Function
Public Function TriggerCollectionEvent( _
Optional Event As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Collection As Variant, _
Optional Verbose As Variant, _
Optional NoDelete As Variant) As Boolean
' Pass-through to the EventManager
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
pvtVBOFEventManager.TriggerCollectionEvent _
Event:=Event, _
Object:=Object, _
Collection:=Collection, _
Verbose:=Verbose, _
If Verbose Then
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .TriggerCollectionEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
TriggerCollectionEvent = True
End Function
Public Function UnRegisterForAllEvents( _
Optional RegisterObject As Variant, _
Optional CleanUpMode As Variant) As Boolean
' Unregisters the UnregisterObject from all
' events
' (a wrapper method for
' Me.UnRegisterForCollectionEvent and
' Me.UnRegisterForObjectEvent
Dim tempCleanUpMode As Boolean
If IsMissing(CleanUpMode) Then
tempCleanUpMode = False
tempCleanUpMode = CleanUpMode
End If
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
Me.UnRegisterForCollectionEvent _
RegisterObject:=RegisterObject, _
Me.UnRegisterForObjectEvent _
RegisterObject:=RegisterObject, _
#End If
End Function
Public Function UnRegisterForObjectEvent( _
Optional RegisterObject As Variant, _
Optional CleanUpMode As Variant) As Boolean
' UnRegister the Object for Events
' don't bother doing this during "CleanUpMode"
' because ObjectManager is being killed, anyway
If Not IsMissing(CleanUpMode) Then
If CleanUpMode Then
UnRegisterForObjectEvent = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
If Not pvtVBOFEventManager Is Nothing Then
pvtVBOFEventManager.UnRegisterForObjectEvent _
End If
If Verbose Then
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .UnRegisterForObjectEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
UnRegisterForObjectEvent = True
End Function
Public Property Get Version() As String
Attribute Version.VB_Description = "Returns the current version of VBOF"
Version = "1.1"
End Property
Public Property Get VersionDate() As String
Attribute VersionDate.VB_Description = "Returns the current version date of VBOF"
VersionDate = "1996-03-03"
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
Set pvtVBOFEventManager = _
New VBOFEventManager
Set pvtVBOFEventManager.ObjectManager = _
#End If
Set pvtDatabase = Nothing
' pvtSynchronousCommit = False
pvtDebugMode = False
pvtVerbose = False
AutoDeleteOrphans = False
pvtLastAddedObjectWasUnique = False
pvtVBOFCollectionID = 0
pvtHighestObjectID = 0
ODBCPassThrough = False
End Sub
Public Property Get ObjectEventManager() As Variant
' Free the Object and remove it from the collection
' of known system objects
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not IsMissing(Index) Then
pvtSystemObjects.Remove Index
pvtSystemObjects.Remove _
End If
Set Object = Nothing
pvtFreeObject = True
End Function
Private Function pvtCommitObjects() As Boolean
' Coordinates a synchronous database Commit across
' all currently instantiated objects.
' Returns True or False, depending on whether or not
' the Commit was successful (False means that a
' Rollback has been issued)
' Note: requires use of SynchronousCommit:=True
' in a parameter to VBOFObjectManager
Dim tempVBOFCollection As VBOFCollection
' bullet-proofing
If pvtSynchronousCommit = False Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.CommitObjects' method because the 'SynchronousCommit' environment does not exist. Execute 'ObjectManager.SynchronousCommit = True'to establish the correct environment."
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) DebugMode has been requested, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoDebugMode = -1' has been specified. No debug code is generated unless 'NoDebugMode = 0' or 'NoDebug' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
End Property
Public Property Get DebugMode() As Boolean
DebugMode = pvtDebugMode
End Property
Public Property Get Verbose() As Boolean
Attribute Verbose.VB_Description = "Maps to the Verbose property"
Verbose = pvtVerbose
End Property
Public Property Let Verbose(aBoolean As Boolean)
pvtVerbose = aBoolean
End Property
Private Property Get pvtSynchronousCommit()
' Return the current state of the
' SynchronousCommit environment (True or False)
' SynchronousCommit = pvtSynchronousCommit
End Property
Private Property Let pvtSynchronousCommit(aBoolean)
' Set the SynchronousCommit environment to aBoolean
'#If NoDebugMode = False Then
' If DebugMode Then
' DisplayDebugMessage _
' TypeName(Me) & " 'SynchronousCommit' mode has been set to " & aBoolean
DisplayErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " (Warning) the .UnRegisterForCollectionEvent method has been executed, but the conditional compilation parameter 'NoEventMgr = -1' has been specified. No Event code is generated unless 'NoEventMgr = 0' or 'NoEventMgr' is missing from the conditional compilation string altogether."
End If
#End If
UnRegisterForCollectionEvent = True
End Function
Public Property Get AutoDeleteOrphans() As Boolean
Attribute AutoDeleteOrphans.VB_Description = "Maps to the AutoDeleteOrphans property"
AutoDeleteOrphans = pvtAutoDeleteOrphans
End Property
Public Property Let AutoDeleteOrphans(aBoolean As Boolean)